Friday, May 13, 2011

Why I'm proud to be a Scot

Lately, I have had trouble sleeping at night. By trouble sleeping, I mean I get into my bed at 11:30 p.m. and can't manage to fall asleep for hours. I've seen the "3 a.m's" every night this week and I HATE IT. I've cut out caffeine after 5:00 and have even tried drinking "sleepy time" tea. NOTHING IS WORKING. So, every night I find myself browsing the internet, watching T.V. online and playing sudoko. But I digress.

The point of this is not to air my grievances about my insomnia. No, it is about why I am proud to be a Scot. Not Scottish by ethnicity, but why I am proud to be a Covenant College Scot. One night, I was trying to entertain myself when I couldn't sleep and I happened upon this video on Covenant's website.

Check it out HERE.

As I watched the video I was, well, overcome with the immense privilege and blessing it is to be a student at Covenant. I would tell every previewer that stayed with me over the past three years how blessed I was to be at Covenant and how much I loved it. And as I watched this video, I realized how true that is.This isn't a shameless plug. This isn't about you giving money to Covenant or about trying to make myself look good for going to this school. No, it's simply about sharing a little glimpse of the blessing that I have been given for a short season of my life. To share a bit of what I am thankful for. I am thankful to be called a Covenant College Scot.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

These days.

These days, I am reading.
Currently Reading: "A Legacy of Grace" by Francine Rivers. It's about the women listed in the lineage of Christ (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary). And it is beautiful. Women has a novella that represents conversations, thoughts and reactions the might have occurred in the five lives of these women. Its convicting and beautiful. I love learning about how the Lord uses broken people to do extraordinary things.

These days, I am learning.
At Covenant's graduation last weekend, my friend Hannah spoke and shared some of the wisest words I've ever heard: " Success is not being perfect, but being a glorious imperfection in the kingdom of God."
I would love for my life to reflect this.

These days, I am preparing.
In a few short weeks I will pack my trunk, dawn my sneakers and t-shirts and return to my favorite cabin in the woods. Camp Westminster is calling me in many ways. And I am preparing for Camp in many ways. 1. Bible Studies 2. Arts and Crafts. 3.Surviving the heat. 4. Making sure I can swim across the deep end. 5. Games. Lots of games.

These days, I am resting.
But not resting well. I am always antsy, always itching to go and do. My mind doesn't stop, and my feet always tap. I have plenty to do, and not enough to do - all at the same time. I need to learn to be still. Psalm 45:10 is often skipped over in my reading.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

gotta have it.

Right now, I am currently coveting these gems.
I know it's a sin, but I just can't help it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

my favorite little man

This is my favorite little man. Ash.
(In this picture, he is literally lisping out: "Cheese!")

Every Monday night, Matt and I head down the mountain to spend the evening hanging out with Ash while his parents go to a class at church. And I cannot get enough of his little face, little self and little chatter! We play outside: swinging, sliding, throwing, running and most of all laughing. We play inside: singing, rocking, reading, building, driving and -- of course -- laughing. Then, as I get him ready for bed, the little guy sits in my lap chatting on and on in his little Ash language. But then, we do my favorite thing... we climb into the rocking chair and read a few bedtime stories.

Tonight, Ash wanted to read some of his story book Bible. So we opened up and read about Daniel and the Lion's Den. About how Daniel was faithful to the Lord, always-- even when faced with terrible danger. About how the Lord was always with Daniel, and how the Lord protected and Loved his son, Daniel. Ash liked the story, but of course wanted to get another book. But as I laid the little guy into his bed, I thought of how the Lord was watching Ash, just as he watched over Daniel. And that is how the Lord watches over me.

Monday nights are always one of my favorite nights of the week. Hanging out with my favorite guys is a hilarious time. But tonight I am thankful that Ash let me read Daniel to him, because I needed the reminder that the Lord is watching over me, and that he loves me.
Oh, how he loves us!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Little Women, Big Message

"Watch and pray, dear, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer your fault," said Mrs. March, drawing the blowzy head to her shoulder and kissing the wet cheek so tenderly, it made Jo cry even harder...
"My child, the troubles and temptations of your life are beginning, and may be many; but you can never overcome and outlive them all if you learn to feel the strength and tenderness of your Heavenly Father as you do your earthly one. His love and care never tire or change, can never be taken from you, but may become the source of lifelong peace, happiness, and strength. Believe this heartily, and go to God with all your little cares, and hopes, and sins, and sorrows as freely and confidingly as you come to your mother."
-Mrs. March to Jo in Little Women

What a beautiful picture of how the Lord views us. What a beautiful picture of how we should RUN to the Lord with our every little care and concern. Oh, how I wish that my first instinct was to run to my Jesus with my little cares, my little concerns-- even though I find them so trivial. We rob ourselves of His great blessings when we do not go to him with these troubles and thoughts. It is my prayer that I learn to do just as Mrs. March recommended to her daughter.

The Gospel, right in the pages of Little Women.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

what I'm loving, right now.

1. Sitting still.

2. Snuggles with my cat (even though she doesn't want to be snuggling)

3. pleasure reading-- I'm currently on the 3rd of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. If you can handle a little language, a little sensual material and a good thriller READ THESE. I picked the first one up on a whim in the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport over Christmas and LOVED it.

4. McDonald's coffee. You might cringe at the sound of that, but surprisingly, it is delicious. Now I am no coffee expert, but I know what I like.

5. The book of Esther. And Lent.

6. New clothes, and good deals!

7. Writing letters to sweet friends in far off places.

8. House Hunters International on HGTV. I want to live abroad, right now.

9. Words With Friends. I will beat Sam, I will.

10. The chance to miss the Mountain, my roommates and Third South. The chance to realize again how blessed I am to be at Covenant, to live with Court, Amy and Emily, to live on 3S. I am really so blessed.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Because I have been doing this "30 day challenge" for like 50 years now. I'm combining a few days. I know I could just get back to normal blogging, but I want to finish what I set out to do. So I'm gonna do it in the best way I see fit. By combing a few days, sorta, put a move of things. Ya know what I am saying? So here are days 17. 18. and 19. All in one.

17. Something you are looking forward to.
Bryan Game Date with my man. And the rest of the Ghetto boys.

18. Something you regret.
That time I died my hair brown. oh, so bad.

19. Something you miss.
NASOTA. Being in Shows. Being apart of a cast.